Valva Vozmediano, Ph.D., an assistant professor of pharmaceutics, has been awarded a 2019-20 PROSPER award from the University of Florida College of Pharmacy to develop a drug therapy teaching tool. The $9,000 award will support development of a web-based application to enhance student learning of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics processes and its importance in tailoring drug regimens. The tool will train students to make decisions based on evidence and embrace new teaching and learning opportunities to solve real world clinical scenarios.
Vozmediano will collaborate with Stephan Schmidt, B.Pharm., Ph.D., F.C.P., an associate professor of pharmaceutics, the director of the Center for Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology and the Certara Endowed Professor in the UF College of Pharmacy. Also assisting with the project is Sarah Kim, Ph.D., a research assistant professor of pharmaceutics.
The Pharmacy Recurring Opportunity Seed Program for Education and Research program, or PROSPER, is available to all faculty members in the college to support faculty innovation, pilot projects and various other projects within the college. The program focuses on three principal award areas, including research enhancement, teaching innovation and improvement and faculty development.