All Posts by

Matthew Splett

ACCP presents new member recruitment award to Yi Ting (Kayla) Lien

Yi Ting (Kayla) Lien, M.S., a fourth-year pharmaceutics graduate student in the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, received national recognition for her efforts to build the American College of Clinical Pharmacology’s membership. Lien received ACCP’s top recruiter award at the organization’s Annual Meeting in Chicago, Sept. 15-17. Lien helped recruit…

Pharmaceutics Special Guest Mei He Seminar

Mei He, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Bioengineering Program, Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas Will Present at 1:30-2:30 p.m. on May 31, 2019 in Communicore C1-11.  Seminar Title: Extracellular Vesicles: Coding the Cellular Message for Precision Immunotherapy               Mei…