Abhinav Kurumaddali, Ph.D., M.S., B.S. Pharm., a 2019 graduate of the UF College of Pharmacy who studied in the department of pharmaceutics, was one of eight trainees honored with a 2019 American College of Clinical Pharmacology, or ACCP, Student & Trainee Abstract Award. He and the other award winners were recognized at the ACCP 50th Anniversary Gala on Sept. 14 in Chicago. Kurumaddali’s award-winning abstract was titled, “A semi-physiological approach for evaluating the sensitivity of pharmacokinetics to detect differences in regional lung deposition of orally inhaled drug products (OIDPs).” It examined how pharmacokinetics may be able to provide important supportive information for pulmonary bioequivalence assessment of slowly dissolving drugs without the conduct of comparative clinical endpoint or pharmacodynamics studies. Kurumaddali studied under the mentorship of Guenther Hochhaus, Ph.D., a professor of pharmaceutics.